THE SUTRA PROJECT Here you will find a formal syllabus, based on the Pali Canon, that is being used in Taiwan and other Asian countries for monastic training. The choice of sutras and their sequence leads progressively to a deeper understanding of the Buddha's teachings. The commentaries in the chapter introductions and study sections in turn also build progressively. This is an ongoing project by the abbot of MABA and the Rightview staff. Until our efforts are completed and all the sutras are linked directly to their study pages, any sutras not linked can be found with an online search using the sutra number, such as SN 12.65 for the first sutra in chapter one, The City. Since translations of the titles of the sutras vary considerably, searching by sutra number is recommended. You can purchase the collection of these early sutras in three volumes: [SN] is The Connected Discourses of the Buddha [ [MN] is The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha; and [AN] is The Long Discourses of the Buddha. Our intention is to provide increased access to these important early Buddhist writings.
Below is a list of sutras
that will be expanded as more commentaries are completed. Click on the
name of the sutra to read the translation (by Bhikkhu Bodhi) and their correlative commentaries. Gotama, the Great Sakyan Sage The Sapling The Fool and the Wise Person The Ancient City |